
Todo Sprint App πŸ“

Todo Sprint is a simple and efficient todo app built with Flutter using Clean Architecture principles. It allows you to manage your tasks, and stay organized throughout the day. The app follows the BLoC pattern for state management and utilizes Hive for local data storage.

Todo Sprint Gif Add, view, delete or complete a Todo



Screenshot 1


Screenshot 2


  • Modern Design: A clean and intuitive user interface for effortless task management.
  • Theming: Switch between light and dark themes.
  • Visual Statistics: Get insights into your task completion progress.
  • Efficient State Management: Utilizes Bloc for state management.
  • Data Persistence: Employs Hive for efficient local data storage.
  • Responsive UI: A seamless experience across different devices.
  • Crud Operations
    • Create: Create new tasks with a title and description.
    • Read: View a list of all tasks.
    • Update: Mark tasks as completed or uncompleted.
    • Delete: Delete completed tasks.

Getting Started

Technologies Used

  • Flutter: Developed using the Flutter framework.
  • Bloc: State management with the Bloc library.
  • Hive: Local data storage and persistence.
  • intl: Utilized for date formatting.

Project Struture

Project Structure


I built this project using a method called Test-Driven Development (TDD). This means I wrote tests before creating the actual code, making sure that everything works correctly. As a result, there are many tests in place to check that all parts of the project function as they should. This approach guarantees that the project is reliable and functions properly.

Unit Tests Unit Tests

GitHub: Todo App Repository


  • Special thanks to Uncle Bob for his Clean Architecture principles.

Thank you for exploring the Todo App! I value your feedback and suggestions for improving the Todo App. Feel free to contact me or submit issues and pull requests on the GitHub repository.

This post is licensed under CC BY 4.0 by the author.